Thursday, January 19, 2012

Blippar Revolutionary Mobile Application

The Blippar™ platform uses the latest image recognition technology to make the advert itself the trigger for the virtual content. What the content consists of... is totally brand dependent

I have shocked after go through the possibilities of this technology platform and I coudlnt even believe that this technology is invent by Ambarish Mitra, Omar Tayeb, Jessica Butcher and Steve Spencer. one of them an Indian.

Also this technology platform killing the QR code technology now. wait and see what will happen...

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Week -17

Quick Question

01. CSS is simply represent the data with eassy rathar than XSL.
Because while everyone who might to access your XML document will have a web browser, not all of them will have a browser that can cope with XSL stylesheet. It would have different version of web browsers.

02. None at all. The two labels for an XSL stylesheet ate completert interchangable.

Some XSL programmers loke to use Stylesheet to label an XSL documeent that makes an XML document appear in a suitable format and tranform it eassiyly.

Longer Question.





calling attribute


Search the whole document (Eassy way of searching :) )





Week -17 CW


a) The Food Remedies, which is the book, consists of lots of chapters and contents.
We need to provide the Knowledge base such as Advanced organization of book, search, and related article features to ensure the user or visitor find the answers they're looking for

So first we need to just create website which is flexible and accessble for users.
I am just planning to do the following features of it

searching options within web by fruitName, MedicalUse,caution, recomond Authority,
and FAQs.

c) Entities and Attributes

BookName - rootElement
chapter, publishDate , publishBy - attribute
author - element
address - element w
street, country - attributes

fruitname - element
medicalUse - element
reciepe - element (how to prepare the food)
recomendBy - element (Eg: Doctor or authority)
description - element
footNote - element
cautions - element (Any prohibitions)

The Sample XML Document Look like this,

< bookName chapter="introductory" ></bookName>
<author>Flowrence Daniel</author>
<address no="11" street="cursitor" ></address>
<medicaluse>fever and cought</medicalUse>
<reciepe>Take 2 apple and....</reciepe>
<recomondedBy>Doctor. Haige </recomondedBy>
<description>apple is traditional food .....</description>
<caution>dont eat this food for cough people</caution>

Selected Portion of Book Contents

The red beet is useful in some diseases of the womb, while the white beet is good for the liver. It is laxative and diuretic. The juice mixed with olive oil is also recommended to be applied externally for burns and all kinds of running sores.


All the varieties of the colewort tribe, including cabbage, cauliflower, brussels-sprouts, broccoli, and curly greens, have been celebrated from very ancient times for their curative virtues in pulmonary complaints. And Athenian doctors prescribed cabbage for nursing mothers. On account of the sulphur contained in them cabbages are good for rheumatic patients. They may be eaten steamed, or, better still, boiled in soft water and the broth only taken. The ordinary boiled cabbage is an indigestible "windy" vegetable, and should never be eaten.

Caraway Seed.

Caraway seeds sharpen the vision, promote the secretion of milk, and are good against hysterical affections. They are also useful in cases of colic. When used to flavour cakes the seeds should be pounded in a mortar, especially if children are to partake thereof.
When used medicinally 20 grains of the powdered seeds may be taken in a wineglassful of hot water. But for children half an ounce of the bruised seeds are to be infused in cold water for six hours, and from 1 to 3 teaspoonfuls of this water given.
A poultice of crushed caraway seeds moistened with hot water is good for sprains.
Caraway seeds are narcotic, and should therefore be used with caution.


<?xml version="1.0" ?<
<?xml-stylesheet type= "text/xsl" href= "food.xsl"?<

<foodcategory id= "grain"<
<cure>Red beet useful in some diseases of the womb, white beet is good for the liver, Burns</cure<
<Authority> </Authority<
<name<Caraway Seed</name<
<cure>sharpen the vision, good against hysterical affections, useful in cases of colic</cure<
<Authority> </Authority<
<Cautionsprohibition<Caraway seeds are narcotic, should be used with caution</Cautionsprohibition<
<foodcategory id= "vegetable"<
<cure<good for rheumatic patients, CONSUMPTION <Authority<Athenian doctors </Authority<
<Cautionsprohibition<Ordinary boiled cabbage is an indigestible "windy" vegetable, and should never be eaten.</Cautionsprohibition<

This is my XML coding for my CW. I have just finished my CW and CW2 stuff inlcuding Stylesheet to represent the data in a proper format and finish the DTD also to validate the XML.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Week -13 XML Schema

Quick Question
01. Different between simple type and complex type
In XML Schema, the difference is between complex types which allow child elements in their content and may contain attributes, and simple types which cannot contain child elements and cannot contain any attributes.

02. XML Scema
This speciel language is called as XML Schema Language and here we dont need to learn a
03. Types
String datatypes

Longer Question
01. <”xs:schema xmlns:xs=”>
xmlns:xs – XML way to define the namespace - A URL which uniquily idenfies.
xmlSchema – there is a corresponding end tag
at the end of the document

02. XML Schema for the bank transcetion appllication

b) Payment_doc –

Week -13 XML Schema

Week – 14
Qucik Question

01. to access the parts of the document. JS and other suitable language can search for and locate many different aspect.

02. In OOP, an object is a self contained portion of a program that possesses properties and methods. So you would expect each of the components of the XML document, after it has been converted into DOM, to possess properties and methods.

03. JAVA, PERLS and PYTHON langauage supports for DOM manipulations. Key charecteristics is that such langauge are object-oriented.

Longer Question
?xml version ="1.0" encoding="UTF-8">
xs:schema xmlna:xs="http://www,">


xs:element name=”payment-doc” type=”electronic_payment_type>
xs:comlex type name=”electronic_payment_type”>
xs:element name=”Sender” type=”institution_type”/>
xs:element name=”Receiver” type=”institution_type”/>
xs:element name=”Transection” type=”transection_type” maxOccurs=”unbounded”/>


xs:complexType name=”transection_type”
xs:slement name=”number” type=”xs:integer”/>
xs:element name=”amount”>
xs:restrcition base=”xs:decimal”>
xs:fractionDigits value”2”>

xs:element name=”date” type=”xs:”>

xs:element name=”recounciled” type=”xs:boolean”>

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Week -10

Quck question

the most specific form of the rule will take effect, and the other rule will be ignored.

Longer Questions

02) Only if the item 10000 was in an elemetn of its own. something like this.

The grandoldduke

Longer Questions






float: left;
width: 20%;



float: left;
width: 20%;








Week - 09

We did a exam on this week about we learnt so far from the first week of the lecture.
We preapared for the multiple questions and wrriten the answers for it.